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Raquelin40Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 27

Can I gain experience points for ranking amongst the top 5 most active users from your Playground ?

3 answers
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SvenjamCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 39

Hello Raquelin40, no there are no experience points to be won in the playground. You can only win or lose coins by playing the games. Like a real casino experience.

AdelinaRCopiedthreadicon-check-whiteaccount-checkCommunity Expert & Sweepstakes Manager

Hi @Raquelin40, glad to answer your question. 😊

Kindly note that currently our users aren't receiving experience points for ranking amongst the Top 5 most active users from our Playground, nor for playing. However, they can earn coins by simply playing their favorite games.

It is worth mentioning that earning coins can help you land a spot in our Leaderboard, where if you manage to rank among the top 5, you will earn a great prize consisting of coins and real money.🥇

Find out what is Chipy's Monthly Competition and how it works.

Kind regards!🤗

liamo86Copiedthreadicon-check-whiteLevel 4

No we cannot gain exp points for leaderboard rankings 


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